
Black Tot Day

July 31, 2008

Attention! It was on this day in 1970 that the British Royal Navy discontinued the centuries old tradition of providing a daily rum ration, or “tot,” to its sailors. In rememberance of Black Tot Day, let us all raise a glass of grog: Grog 2 ounces water 1 ounce Jamaican rum (Pusser’s) 1/2 ounce lime […]

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Knickerbocker Cocktail, or You never know how much tart 1/2 lime will get you!

July 15, 2008

The Knickerbocker is one of those cocktails you must first clarify which you mean. In this case, I’m referring to the rum-based version that David Wondrich lists in both Killer Cocktails and Imbibe!. The more common recipe I see online (including the CocktailDB) is for a semi-perfect martini – gin, dry vermouth and a dash […]

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